Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Catching up with the times

Before we begin our official blogging, I thought I'd memorialize here all the unblogged sessions of the past. Using Theory was founded by Professor Jill Campbell in September 2004. After a year of sessions, there was a year-and-a-half-long hiatus. In January 2007, it was refounded by graduate students Colin Gillis and Andrew Goldstone, with new emphases on saltines, ginger ale, dialogue between graduate students and younger faculty, and current debates on methodology as well as capital-T Theory.


October 13, 2004. Lloyd Pratt (now of Michigan State) discusses Louis Althusser, "The Errors of Classical Economics: Outline of a Concept of Historical Time," in Reading Capital

October 27, 2004. Shameem Black discusses Martha Nussbaum,"The Narrative Imagination"

November 9, 2004. Paul Fry discusses Steven Knapp and Walter Benn Michaels, "Against Theory"

December 8, 2004. David Krasner discusses Sandra Richards, "Writing the Absent Potential"

January 31, 2005. Elizabeth Dillon (now of Northeastern) discusses Jürgen Habermas, The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere

February 14, 2005. Nigel Alderman (now of Mount Holyoke) discusses Fredric Jameson, "Magical Narratives: On the Dialectical Use of Genre Criticism," in The Political Unconscious

April. 4, 2005. David Bromwich discusses George Kateb, "Aestheticism and Morality: Their Cooperation and Hostility"

April 18, 2005. Laura Wilder (now of SUNY-Albany) on Carolyn Miller, "Genre as Social Action."

Spring 2007

January 29, 2007. Caleb Smith uses Foucault's Discipline and Punish

February 9, 2007. Elliott Visconsi uses Robert Cover's "Nomos and Narrative"

March 1, 2007. Stefanie Markovits uses Hannah Arendt's The Human Condition and The Life of the Mind

April 5, 2007. Hsuan Hsu uses Jacques Lacan, "Of the Gaze as Objet petit a," in Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis (original French seminar transcripts here)

April 23, 2007. Matthew Giancarlo (now of the University of Kentucky) uses Hayden White's "History, History, and the Figurative Imagination" Frank Ankersmit's "On the Origin, Nature, and Future of Representative Democracy"

Fall 2007

September 14, 2007. Michael Warner uses "Footing" by Erving Goffman and "Metapragmatic Discourse and Metapragmatic Function" by Michael Silverstein

September 28, 2007. We use The Well-Wrought Urn in advance of the Sept. 29 Whitney Humanities Center symposium on Cleanth Brooks

October 11, 2007. Allyson McCabe uses Louis Althusser's "Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses"

October 23, 2007. In our first graduate-student-led session, Matthew Valdiviez uses Maurice Merleau-Ponty's Phenomenology of Perception and Jean-Luc Marion's The Erotic Phenomenon

November 14, 2007. Susan Miller uses Susan Stewart's Poetry and the Fate of the Senses

November 28, 2007. Amy Hungerford uses Derek Parfit's Reasons and Persons and Robert Orsi's Between Heaven and Earth

December 6, 2007. Paul Grimstad uses Herman Melville's "Bartleby the Scrivener" and Gilles Deleuze's "Bartleby; or, the Formula"

Spring 2008: to follow, in detail!

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