Using Theory Presents
Metaprofessional Milk and Cookies II

Monday, May 11 at 12:30 p.m. in LC 319
Milk, cookies, and despair provided
Reading packets in LC 108
We will be using two texts as spurs to our discussion of all things related to the profession:
Marc Bousquet, "The Waste Product of Graduate Education," from ch. 1 of How the University Works (downloadable here) (New York: NYU Press, 2008), 21-29.
John Guillory, "The System of Graduate Education," PMLA 115, no. 5 (October 2000): 1154-63 (downloadable here, from JSTOR).
Click here for the full blog entry.
Marc Bousquet, "The Waste Product of Graduate Education," from ch. 1 of How the University Works (downloadable here) (New York: NYU Press, 2008), 21-29.
John Guillory, "The System of Graduate Education," PMLA 115, no. 5 (October 2000): 1154-63 (downloadable here, from JSTOR).